Artist3: The world’s most innovative art ecosystem launch!

What constitutes art, how it should be sold, and how it is stored or valued? This pivotal moment presents the perfect opportunity to redefine the entire creative industry.

One of the beneficiaries of this new disruptive wave is an interesting subset of the crypto space called Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s), a digital asset that allows buyers to purchase ownership of a digital good, usually in the form of an image, animation, or video. Unlike fiat currency, each NFT is an original product with a unique digital token with its own unique value.

It was against this backdrop, on the 23rd April 2021, Magic Carpet Studios: an innovation Storytelling Company often described as the “Disney of Africa” in conjunction with Wifisoft Technologies, a leading technology development company playing in the insurance and fintech space, hosted an exciting evening of cocktails and conversations for art and tech enthusiasts to introduce the platform Artist3, one of the most promising blockchain projects to emerge from this part of the world.

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